- 3 Weekly Workouts
- Demo Videos
- Coaches Notes
- Cues & Tips
- Customizations/Scaling
- Goals & Intentions
- Warmups
- Skill Work
- Games/Challenges
- Access to coaching blogs
- Mentorship Option
- Access to 100+
Movement Videos
- CrossFit
- Parents
- Teachers
- PE Teachers
- Homeschool
Anyone looking for a
fun way to get
kids moving.
- Customization Options for all movements
-Lightweight implements (balls, cones, backpack, water bottle, stuffed animal..)
- Dumbbells
- Kettlebells
- Something to hang from
- Something to jump on
- Jump rope
- A little space
Kids need to move well first with just their bodies, then add light implements, then and only then load. All workouts can be adapted to a child's needs - see coaches notes for tips, or email us.
StreamFit How To Video:
1) Download app
2) Choose gym (any)
3) Set up profile
4) Programs & purchase
5) Then open on web if you want
or just the app
Text or email for customer service
The most common thing adults in CrossFit/this style training say is
"I wish I started sooner!"
So, together let's give the next generation what we were searching for.
A fitness style that will last them a lifetime.
A foundation, community, and passion that goes beyond just sports.
Let's connect!
Get mentoring, private programming, become a podcast guest, specialized content, & more.
My Why: I love CrossFit and that style of training so much. I was truly blessed to discover it as an adult, but I often wish I had found it when I was younger. It’s not that I wasn’t active as a kid—I had opportunities to play sports, stay active, and work with some great coaches. But I knew I wasn’t going to go pro in those sports, and they weren’t necessarily going to teach me lifelong skills for health, fitness, and movement outside of those specific games.
Imagine if we introduced kids to movement early on, teaching them not just to play sports but to enjoy moving their bodies and learning to do it well. This kind of foundation could support them throughout their lives, whether or not they continue with sports as adults. They wouldn’t need to “start over” learning fitness as adults; they would already have a solid base to carry them through, enhancing their lives and even their sports skills as they grow.
So why not start them young? One of the most common things I hear from adults in a CrossFit box or anyone who starts high-intensity training later in life is, “I wish I’d found this sooner.” We, as adults, know how transformative it can be, and we have the chance to offer that same life-changing opportunity to our kids now.
Often, athletes who make it through high school, college, or even professional sports face a loss of identity when their sport ends. Many struggle to stay active and healthy because their sport was their structure for fitness. If we help kids grow up using fitness to improve themselves—not just their sports—then when their sport ends, they won’t be left searching for purpose or a way to stay fit. They’ll already have the tools to keep themselves healthy, happy, and strong for life.
For science and studies on how fitness helps kids' brain and body development- see Movement Toolkit Book on Amazon